IFFM – In Flanders Fields Museum
Reproductions of photographs from the In Flanders Fields Museum can be obtained by copying the full archive reference shown in the left-hand column of the geoportal (e.g., IFFMifflf6367245) and sending an email to kenniscentrum@ieper.be with your request.
IWM – Imperial War Museums
Reproductions of photographs from the Imperial War Museums' collections can be obtained by emailing imagesales@iwm.org.uk and requesting an order form. When completing an order please copy the full archive reference shown in the left-hand column of the geoportal (e.g., Box 111 57K 28B 1918)an email to
WHI – War Heritage Institute
Reproductions of photographs from the War Heritage Institute collections can be obtained by copying the full archive reference shown in the left-hand column of the geoportal (e.g., bv KLM-MRAIeper6781) and sending an email to cdoc.klm-mra@warheritage.be with your request.